About SMartART



scritta USP2

SMartART is an idea based on ICT, winner of “Make Culture” category @diversity European Competition, and it has been presented by Paolo Mazzanti and Roberto Caldelli at the European Culture Forum 2013 in Brussels. An ensemble of 263 ideas were submitted to the Competition, a jury of international experts chose 12 winning ideas that could potentially shape the future of the cultural and creative sectors. The winners were announced on the 4th of November 2013 at the European Culture Forum in Brussels by Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Martina Michels, Vice-Chair European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education.The Forum was opened by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. SMartART promotes culture, emotional involvement and informal learning in museums using marked icons to retrieve additional information directly from an image with the advantage not to use any type of QRCode.

SMartART is a smartphone application that brings interactive information about artworks to museum or gallery visitors just by taking a picture. For museums and galleries SMartART offers a full-service online tool to produce icons of the artwork as markers and to link it with interactive content. For the first time the usage of abstract codes or patterns is obsolete and the information can be linked to new kind of icons that are a direct copy of the original artwork. This makes an integration of such an augmented information system more attractive for museums and galleries and the user knows exactly to which artwork the information is linked. Users can enjoy the images during and after their visit and easily share them with their friends and family via social networks creating a personal storytelling of  their museum experience.

SMartART icons and QR-Codes

SMartART icons and QR-Codes

This solution provides a way to make culture by increasing user engagement and inspiring curiosity for an informal learning. This way the SMartART app becomes a multiplier tool for museums and galleries to reach broader target groups and spread information about exhibitions and events to new potential visitors. Furthermore, Museums through SMartART System can improve management and valorization of the museum’s heritages, keep track of user interactions inside the museum and reach a greater visibility for their collections.

The vision of SMartART is to create a vivid user community of art enthusiasts, learn about their preferences and behavior and guide them to the best places to consume art.

SMartART  is composed by:

The ICON MAKER – Make & Manage Datais a service application to create SMartART icons starting from an original image (e.g. PNG format). A distinctive code is unperceivable embedded within the SMartART icon: such a code represents a link between the artwork and the additional information the museum wants to give  to the end-users (e.g. artwork description, advanced infos, audio, video etc.).

Museums and galleries can:

  • create smart icons from an original image
  • Embed the multimedia information to present
  • Manage the multimedia information contents
  • Print and use the icons inside the visitor spaces
 Icon Maker System – Login –

Icon Maker System – Login –

Icon Maker System – Maker / Manager

Icon Maker System – Maker / Manager

Icon Maker System – Maker
Icon Maker System – Maker
Icon Maker System – Manage

Icon Maker System – Manage

The ICON READER – Discover Info & Share Experienceis a smartphone (Android, iOS) application which is coupled with the Maker Maker and it is able, by photographing the SMartART icon, to detect the hidden code. So doing the user can enjoy and interact, during and after the visit, with the embedded contents

Visitor can:

  • Download the SMartART Reader app for Android and iOS
  • Take a picture of the SMartART icon next to the artwork or on a panel and a display
  • View background information about the artwork also off-line
  • Save the artwork to his/her favorites
  • Collect the favorite artworks in a storyboard like a “postcards souvenir”
  • Keep track of his/her museum visit
  • Create e personal Storytelling of the visit and share this personal collection with friends
  • Recommend museums and galleries via social media


Icon Reader App  - Download SMartART App

Icon Reader App – Download SMartART App

Icon Reader App  - ACCESS basic information Off-line

Icon Reader App – ACCESS basic information Off-line

Icon Reader App  - Create & Share a Storytelling

Icon Reader App – Create & Share a Storytelling

Icon Reader App  - Storytelling Social Sharing Facebook

Icon Reader App – Storytelling Social Sharing Facebook

SMartART from LCI Micc on Vimeo.

Get in touch

Design and web development: Paolo Mazzanti